
Did you know? 

If we shared the University's annual level of water usage among staff and students, each person would consume 8,000 litres a year.


Our main aim is to reduce water consumption and the use of mains water through efficient usage and by rainwater harvesting and similar systems. 

We encourage staff and students to look at how water is used at their sites and how we all, as individuals, use water. Positive ways of working can be supported by installing water efficient fixtures and fittings, as well as using rainwater harvesting systems.

We also work with our water supplier to identify opportunities to improve water efficiency. 

For an overview of our commitment to water management please download our Water Management Strategy.

What you can do

We encourage everyone at the University to be more conscious of their water use. Small changes can bring big benefits.

Find out more below

  • Report any leaks or suspected leaks - hot water leaks waste energy as well.
  • Avoid washing utensils, cups or vegetables under running taps.
  • Use a plastic bowl in your kitchen sink. On average, this simple measure could help save up to 50% of domestic kitchen water. As taps vary in flow, some can produce up to 25 litres of water per minute!
  • Avoid using distilled or de-ionised water when it is not required as it is energy intensive to produce.
  • Buy water efficient models and use water efficient modes for example eco modes on a dishwasher.
  • If you have a dishwasher save water by only running it when completely full, rather than washing a few items at a time.
  • Install low cost water saving devices, such as push taps to regulate flow, are available to cut water consumption in washrooms.
  • Avoid allowing items such as fats, oils, grease, food waste or baby wipes and other materials which may block the drain from entering the system.
  • Find out more about the Green Impact departmental award scheme.
  • For further information on saving water at home please visit the Thames Water website.

Funding is available from the water reduction fund for small or medium-sized projects across the University that will save water. This could include installing waterless urinals during building renovations or replacement water efficient laboratory equipment.

Projects will need to meet stringent criteria and will be considered in terms of wider programmes of work to ensure best value.

Funding is allocated against an annual budget on a rolling basis. Please note – this fund supports projects on the functional estate only.

For more information please contact the Environmental Sustainability team at sustainability@admin.ox.ac.uk.

Read more

View our Water Management Strategy



Get in touch

+44 (0) 1865 6 14605
