
As we respond to a changing climate and biodiversity loss, how humanity will cope and thrive in this uncertain future has never been more important. Oxford’s researchers are improving our understanding of global temperature increases, extreme weather and biodiversity loss. 

From water to weather, fuel to food; from how we power our homes to how we protect and restore nature, Oxford’s cross-disciplinary research is helping us to better understand the complexities of the interaction of human activities and the environment, and to make a positive impact on our changing world. 

Our researchers work with partners in industry, government, the third sector and other universities to address these challenges and to propose innovative approaches and solutions.

Visit True Planet to read more about Oxford research for a changing world.

New Small Grants Programme

The Environmental Sustainability team is excited to announce a new small grants programme to support research and education projects that advance the University of Oxford’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy. The programme will run as a pilot during 2024-2026 and offers a total of £65,000 for small research, education and engagement projects.  


Our commitments

  • Promote communication, coordination and collaboration between environmental sustainability and environmental justice researchers through the Oxford Network for the Environment (ONE) and other mechanisms.
  • Support interdisciplinary sustainability research teams in responding to major funding opportunities.
  • Seek to influence the priorities of research funders, including UK government and charities, to meet sustainability research challenges.
  • Fund research into negative emission technologies and net gain in biodiversity, in line with the aims of the strategy to address environmental and social justice concerns and acknowledge the University’s historical impact in these areas.