Global Recycling Day

Our targets are to:

  • Reduce waste by 10%
  • Achieve recycling rate of 40%

With 26,000 students and 14,000 members of staff we generate a considerable amount of waste. The University produces over a 1,000 tonne of solid waste a year, creating almost 500 tonnes of CO2e. Processing general waste creates four times more CO2e emissions than dry mixed recycling.

Upside-down pyramid with words (top to bottom) - 'Waste prevention; Reuse; Recycle; Energy recovery; Disposal'

Managing this waste responsibly is a key focus – the main aim is to reduce the amount of waste created in the first place, than reuse and recycle as much as possible across the University. This will in turn reduce greenhouse gas emissions and waste disposal costs.

Five tips to help manage waste  

  1. Consider if you really need to buy a new item – how often will you use it? What will happen to it later? Can you borrow the item from another department, find it on WARPit or buy in partnership to share the cost and increase the use?     
  2. Consider giving up your desk bin. Using communal waste stations for general waste and recycling increases the recycling rates.
  3. Share unwanted items with other departments that may need them on WARPit, and look for pre-used items before purchasing new. We also offer a reuse scheme for lab-based equipment – UniGreenScheme, an asset resale service in which departments receive a portion of the resale value. Read the user guide for more information
  4. Make sure your dry mixed recycling is clean and uncontaminated. Follow the signs to recycle correctly.
  5. If in doubt, find out! Check our waste guide and A-Z recycling if you are not sure what to do with your waste, or contact us if you're still not sure.

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