Green Impact and LEAF End-of-the-Year showcase and celebration 2024

end of the year pics

On 9 July, the Environmental Sustainability team welcomed approximately 120 staff and students. Collectively, we applauded and celebrated the University community’s outstanding efforts towards achieving our strategic environmental goals. 

The event showcased five innovative projects completed in the past year. These projects ranged from a local arts festival and a sustainable travel "race" to a strategic initiative aimed at improving environmental practices in laboratories.  

The recent academic year saw a continued increase in participation from the University community. A total of 216 lab teams engaged in LEAF (Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework) accreditation, with two departments achieving 100% participation in the LEAF scheme.  

Additionally, over 60 Green Impact teams contributed this year, with 34 teams earning Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Beyond Gold accreditation. Hundreds of individuals took part in various activities, collectively completing 1,360 actions. 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the University community for their unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability. We are also delighted to announce the recipients of the following awards: 

Beyond Gold  

  • Department of Biology
  • Department of Chemistry  
  • GLAM Divisional Office  
  • Green Templeton College  
  • Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences  
  • Osney One  
  • Oxford University Innovation  
  • Saïd Business School  
  • Trinity College.


  • Botnar Institute for Musculoskeletal Sciences 
  • Biomedical Services Unit, The Institute of Developmental and Regenerative Medicine (IDRM) 
  • Corpus Christi College 
  • Department of Earth Sciences 
  • Department of Statistics 
  • Dunn School 
  • Exeter College 
  • Lincoln College 
  • Oxford Martin School 
  • School of Archaeology 
  • School of Geography and the Environment 
  • St Antony’s College 
  • St Catherine's College JCR 
  • Wadham College 
  • Weston and Old Bodleian Library site.


  • Department for Continuing Education 
  • IT Services 
  • Keble College 
  • NDS Collaborative Green Group 
  • Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen Research 


  • Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics 
  • Faculty of History 
  • Radcliffe Humanities 
  • St John's College 
  • Transposon Group, Department of Paediatrics 
LEAF Gold LEAF Silver LEAF Bronze

Ashmolean Museum

  • Hinch Lab

Department of Biochemistry 

  • Uphoff lab 
  • Barr Lab 
  • Newstead (Kavli INsD)
  • Gibbs-Seymour Lab 

Department of Biology 

  • ForesTree Biology Group 
  • Maiden Lab 
  • IOI Walsh Lab 
  • Foster Lab 

Department of Chemistry 

  • Donohoe Lab 
  • Chemical Crystallography 
  • E. Anderson Group  
  • Perkin Lab 
  • Vallance Group 
  • Brouard and Burt Lab 
  • Steier Lab 
  • Timmel Group 
  • Williams Lab 
  • Robinson, Benesch, Baldwin and Kukura ((Kavli INsD)) 
  • MS/McCullagh 
  • Willis Group 
  • The Russell Group 

Department of Earth Sciences 

  • Rickaby & Cosmidis Labs 
  • Water Geochemistry & Trace metal ICP-MS SRF 
  • Wet Chemistry Lab 
  • Oxford Earth Sciences Workshop 

Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology 

  • Mike Dustin lab 
  • Progatzky 


  • Strubi 
  • Oxford Particle Imaging Centre 
  • Gilbert group 

Department of Oncology 

  • WIMM McHugh Lab 
  • Translational Support Unit 

Department of Paediatrics 

  • Wood Group 
  • Oxford Vaccine Group 

Department of Pharmacology 

  • Russell Lab (Pharmacology) 
  • Pharmacology Teaching Lab 
  • Russell Lab                                         

Department of Physiology, Anatomy, & Genetics (DPAG) 

  • Wade-Martins Lab (Kavli INsD)

Radcliffe Department of Medicine (RDM) 

  • MRC WIMM Mass Cytometry Facility 
  • Wolfson Imaging Centre 
  • WIMM_Patel Room 302 
  • Chapman Group 
  • WIMM_Hughes Room 252 
  • WIMM S Davis - Lab 437 

School of Archaeology 

  • Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit 
  • Stable Isotope Lab 

Sir William Dunn School of Pathology 

  • Genome Engineering Oxford 
  • Tang Lab 
  • Proudfoot Group 
  • Greaves Lab 
  • Cellbank/Washroom/Stores 
  • Freeman Lab 
  • Hunt Lab 
  • Isom Lab 
  • Dunn School Workshop 
  • Ivan Ahel 
  • Gruneberg 
  • Hassan Lab 
  • Fodor Lab 
  • The Don Mason Facility of Flow Cytometry 
  • Light Microscopy Facility 
  • Carvalho Lab 
  • Robertson Lab 
  • Stracy Lab 
  • Esashi Lab 
  • Gromak Lab 
  • Raff Lab 
  • Smith Lab 
  • Sanyal Lab 
  • James Lab 
  • Slack Lab 
  • D.Ahel Lab 
  • Molecular Immunology Group 
  • Mali Lab 
  • Lea Lab 
  • Murphy/Norbury Group 
  • EM facility 
  • Roberts Lab 
  • Gullerova 

The Bioescalator 

  • Exogene 


Ashmolean Museum 

  • Ashmolean Conservation Lab 4th Floor 


  • Higgins Group (Kavli INsD)
  • Brockdorff Lab 
  • Draper Lab (Kavli INsD)
  • Kleanthous 
  • DNA topology lab 
  • MGSL 

Department of Biology 

  • Sweetlove Group 
  • Bolla Group 
  • Baena-Gonzalez Group 
  • Jarvis Group 
  • Licausi Lab 
  • McLean Lab 

Biomedical Services 

  • IDRM Specialist Lab facility 

Department of Chemistry 

  • H. Anderson Group 
  • Clarke Group 
  • O'Hare Lab 
  • NMR 
  • Oxford Colloid Group 
  • Langton Group  
  • Mackenzie Lab 
  • IMC facility 
  • Chemistry Teaching Laboratory 

Department of Engineering Science 

  • IBME - Tissue Engineering 

Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology 

  • Bezbradica Mirkovic lab 
  • Arnon Lab 
  • Powrie Lab 
  • Biophysical Immunology Lab 

Museum of Natural History 

  • Life Zoology Conservation Ground Floor 


  • Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research 


  • BUBBL 
  • Botnar Research Centre 

Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (NDCN) 

  • Sharott Lab 
  • Dupret Lab 
  • Magill Lab 
  • Tan Lab 
  • Tofaris (Kavli INsD)
  • Becker lab (Kavli INsD)
  • Yin Dong Group (WIMM) 

Nuffield Department of Population Health 

  • NDPH Wolfson Laboratories 

Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences 

  • TRIG 
  • Business Admin Unit 
  • Oxford Prostrate Cancer Biology Group 

Nuffield Department: Women’s & Reproductive Health 

  • JR (Level 3 & 4) Laboratories 

Department of Oncology 

  • Eric O'Neill Lab 

Department of Pharmacology 

  • Lanyon-Hogg Lab 

Department of Physiology, Anatomy, & Genetics (DPAG) 

  • DPAG Teaching Classrooms (MSTC) 
  • Cragg 
  • Anatomy Suite 
  • Sparrow Lab 

Radcliffe Department of Medicine (RDM) 

  • Wilkinson Lab 
  • Wilkie Lab 
  • WIMM HSCB Lab 
  • Higgs Lab 
  • OCDEM - MRG Group  
  • Ray Lab - OCDEM (RDM/OCDEM/Kavli INsD)
  • David Hodson Lab OCDEM 

School of Geography and the Environment (SOGE) 

  • Geolabs 

Sir William Dunn School of Pathology 

  • Cook Lab 

The Bioescalator 

  • BioEscalator 
  • Ana Carolina Rodrigues 


Begbroke Science Park 

  • Advanced Processing Lab 

Department of Biochemistry 

  • Zitzmann Lab (Kavli INsD)
  • Berks Lab 
  • Seiradake Lab (Kavli INsD)

Department of Biology 

  • Kelly Lab 
  • Richards lab 
  • Fly Lab  
  • Langdale lab 
  • Molecular Ecology Lab 
  • Maclean Lab 
  • Barraclough and King Labs 

Department of Chemistry 

  • Rabe group 
  • J. Davis Group 
  • Gouverneur Lab 
  • Faulkner Group 
  • Dixon Group 
  • Neidig Lab 
  • Jonathan W. Burton Group 
  • Fletcher Lab        
  • Smith M Lab 
  • Thorneywork Group 
  • Manolopoulos and Tew Groups 
  • C.J Schofield Group 

Department of Earth Sciences 

  • Rock preparation Labs 
  • Cleansuite SRF 

Department of Engineering Science 

  • Translational Bioelectrics Lab 

Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology 

  • Dendrou Lab 
  • Itoh Lab 
  • Hallou Lab 
  • Oxford center for microbiome studies (OCMS) 
  • BSU 
  • Vincent Group 
  • Vincent Lab 
  • Udalova lab 
  • Clarke Lab 
  • Sansom 
  • Midwood Lab 
  • Gerard Lab 
  • Monaco Lab 
  • Luo-jostins Group 
  • Lynn Dustin 
  • Williams Lab 
  • Nanchahal 
  • Microscopy Imaging Facility (OZCoE) 

Department of Materials 

  • Oxford Materials Teaching Laboratory 

Museum of Natural History 

  • Earth Collections Conservation Lab 


  • OxCIO 


  • Coles-Buckley Lab 
  • Simon Lab 

Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine (NDCM) 

  • Mod Med Micro 

Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (NDCN) 

  • Fugger Lab 
  • Barron Lab 

Nuffield Department of Medicine 

  • Cespedes Lab 

Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences 

  • Lee Lab 

Department of Oncology 

  • Translational Histopathology Lab (THL) 
  • Olcina Lab 
  • Department of Paediatrics 
  • Sanders Lab 

Department of Pharmacology 

  • Lei Lab 

Department of Physiology, Anatomy, & Genetics (DPAG) 

  • IDRM BHF Cardiovascular Lab 
  • Heather group 
  • Stone Lab 

Department of Psychiatry

Buckley (Kavli INsD)

Radcliffe Department of Medicine (RDM) 

  • WIMM FLow Cytometry Facility 
  • Davies J (WIMM) 
  • Therapy Acceleration Laboratory 
  • Genome engineering and transgenics  
  • WIMM Goriely Group: Clinical genetics 

School of Archaeology 

  • PalaeoBARN 
  • Archaeobotany Lab 

The Bioescalator 

  • Orfonyx Bio 
  • Isogenix 
  • Hutano/EDX Medical 
  • Infinitopes Lab 
  • Wellcome Centre