Sustainable labs resources

These resources can support your lab's LEAF submission.


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Sustainable labs newsletter Subscribe for updates.
Be efficient, be sustainable - best practice guidance for labs Find out about the simple steps that you can take to be sustainable in your lab.
Plastic reduction guidance for labs This guide provides advice on how individuals and the wider lab community can cut down single-use plastics in the lab.
LEAF Get involved for a structured approach with useful information for improving sustainability in your lab.

Microsoft Team for Sustainable Lab Leaders

Request to join the team to access further resources and connect with others.
Preferred supplier sustainability services Details about take-back schemes, sustainable products and packaging and contact details for their sustainability reps.
Funding for energy-efficient equipment Help cut emissions by replacing inefficient lab equipment, supported by the sustainability fund.
Preferred supplier feedback form Let us know of any issues or other feedback relating to our preferred suppliers' performance relating to sustainability via this feedback form.
Purchasing guidance Assistance for departments considering the environmental, social and economic impacts of its purchases.


Lab equipment guide Find out how to save energy and use equipment in the most sustainable way.
Energy monitors to meter energy consumption of your lab equipment Email if you would like to borrow one.
Equipment sharing database University-wide database for high-value equipment.
WARPit University-wide redistribution of used lab and office equipment 
UniGreenScheme Resale service for lab equipment, with a share of the profits returned to the department.
Electronic lab books Go paper-free! Licence provided by IT Services.
Waste and recycling Resources and tips how to reduce, reuse and recycle in the lab.


If you would like to order stickers for your lab or department please email

labs bin stickers

Bin labelling stickers

Freezer stickers with tips on how to ensure freezers run efficiently

'How to keep your freezer healthy' stickers

Green stickers reading 'please switch off when you leave the room'; Red stickers reading 'do not switch off'; Yellow stickers reading 'please switch off at the end of the day.'

'Switch off' stickers

Sticker with left-pointing arrow and words 'MORE SAFE, LESS ENERGY'
Sticker with words 'keep sash below RED ZONE - RED ZONE for Hood Set-up only'

Fume cupboard stickers (Shut the Sash)

Be efficient, be sustainable

Efficient freezers

If you would like to access the presentation slides, please email

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Be efficient, be sustainable

Read our best practice guidance


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+44 (0) 1865 6 14605