Green Action Week 2025 Events Programme

The following programme is set by dates.
This year, we are placing a special emphasis on the ‘actions’ that can drive better practices and behaviour change to help lead to tangible results. Change requires us to learn and think, come together with other people and empower ourselves, and then act.
Wherever you are on this journey, Green Action Week offer you opportunities to be part of the ‘actions’.
The following icons represent the themes:
Learn |
Connect |
Act |
Bike Doctor Session - Trinity College
When: Monday, 10 February, 10:00am – 4:00pm, Front Quad, Trinity College
No registration required. More information.
Climate talk with French Activist Camille Etienne – “PFAS: How to organise against industrial poison”
When: Monday, 10 February, 6pm - Reuben College lecture theatre
This event is open to Reuben College students.
Try a Bike Session
When: Monday, 10 February, St John’s College parks road entrance
St John’s is encouraging cycling during Green Action Week, Walton Street Cycles will be on site with a selection of bikes to try, to give advice and answer all questions/concerns anyone may have around cycling.
There is no need to register, the session will be run on a first come first served basis. This event is for St John’s staff and students.
Climate Café - Mansfield JCR
A supportive space in which to talk about how the climate crisis is affecting us – without pressure to act.
When: Monday 10 February 5-6pm, Mansfield JCR
This event is open for students only. No registration required.
Capitalism and sustainability : friends or foes?
Guest speaker: Steve Waygood, Chief Sustainable Finance Officer at Aviva Investors.
Podcast recording with guest speaker and audience lead by Oxford Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship Society (OSBE), Oxford Climate Society (OCS) and OxPods (the Oxford podcasting society)
When: Tuesday, 11 February, 05:30-06:45pm, McGregor Matthews room, New College.
More information and registration.
Recycling of contaminated lab plastic by Danielle Stephens (CEO, Recycle Lab)
Part of the Dunn School Green Festival
When: Tuesday, 11 February, Lunch 12:30pm, Talk 1:00pm, EPA seminar room
More information and registration
Dunn School Green Festival
Community wide Food and Goods Rescue initiative at Dunn School - Saroj Saurya (Chair, Dunn School Green Group).
When: Tuesday, 11 February, Lunch 12:30pm, Talk 1:30pm, EPA seminar room
Green initiative tour at Dunn School
Tuesday, 11 February, 2:15pm, EPA seminar room/reception, Part of the Dunn School Green Festival
More information and registration.
Ashmolean Museum Tour
Join us on a tour of commercial operations and a talk about the practical steps to reduce its environmental footprint.
When: Tuesday, 11 February 10:00am
More information and registration
Green Action Week coffee morning and plant swap
Where: Department of Statistics
When: Tuesday, 11 February, 10.30-11.30am
This event is open for department of Statistics and Earth sciences only. No registration is required.
Plant, bulb, seed and book swap
Where: Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences
When: Tuesday, 11 February, Lunch time, Seminar Room B, Level 6, West Wing, John Radcliffe Hospital
No registration required.
Foraging and biodiversity walk in Osney
When: Tuesday, 11 February, 12:30-1:30pm.
Meet at Reception, Osney One.
No registration required. For more information, please email:
Drop-in Sustainability Surgery with Keble Sustainability Officer
When: Tuesday, 11 February, 12:30–1:30pm, Keble Dining Hall
More information and registration: Come and meet Keble’s new Sustainability Officer Jilly, pop by to say hello, ask any questions, bring any ideas or share any concerns
Bring and share plant-based lunch
Where: Department of Primary Health
When: Tuesday, 11 February, 12:30-2:00pm RPC Atrium, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
This event is for the members of the Department of Primary Health Care. No registration needed.
Climate micro hackathon: Brainstorming solutions for environment in colleges
Come along for a workshop to discuss climate problems but more importantly creative solutions with Sustainability Officers representing 13 colleges. Bring an open mind!
When: Tuesday, 11 February, 2:30-3:30pm, The Dakota Cafe at Cohen Quad Exeter College
Please email to book. Read more information about the event.
Climate Café
A supportive space in which to talk about how the climate crisis is affecting us – without pressure to act.
When: Tuesday, 11 February, 03:00- 04:30pm
More information and registration
Finding Another Way: How we can fix our future (Amy Bray)
A workshop with Amy Bray, CEO, Another Way to help young people overcome the overwhelming fear of climate and ecological breakdown.
When: Tuesday, 11 February, 5:00pm Christ Church
More information and registration.
Radical Curiosity: A conversation about creativity and the arts in dangerous times
An open and collaborative action-focused afternoon of conversation, creativity and fresh ideas, where artists, academics, and community members come together to explore how the arts can help shape a better future for the planet.
When: Tuesday 11 February, 1-5pm, Holywell Music Room, Holywell Street, OX1 3SB
More information and registration
Sustainability surgery – St John’s College
Come and meet St John’s new Sustainability Officer Jilly, pop by to say hello, ask any questions, share any ideas you have or changes you would like to see or raise any concerns.
When: Tuesday, 11 February 10am – noon, St John’s College Pretwich room
This event is for St John’s staff and students.
How does Recycling work? - St John’s College
Do you have questions about recycling, do you know what can and can’t recycled, have you heard of wishcycling? Our waste contractors Select will be in the Prestwich Room with their interactive conveyor belt where you can put your recycling knowledge to the test and to answer any questions you have about recycling.
When: Tuesday, 11 February, 10am – 3pm, St John’s College Prestwich room
This event is for St John’s staff and students.
Bodleian Libraries Tour of commercial operations
Join us on a tour of the Bodleian’s commercial operations and a talk about the practical steps to reduce its environmental footprint.
When: Wednesday, 12 February, 10:00am
More information and registration
Lunchtime Seminar: Six ways inequality holds back behaviour change for climate action- Lincoln College
When: Wednesday, 12 February, 01:30pm, Lower Lecture Room, Lincoln College
For registration: please email
Zero-waste shopping workshop at OxUnboxed
When: Wednesday, 12 February, 5:00pm
Where: Lincoln MCR (for students from Lincoln College)
More information and registration.
The Vice-Chancellor’s Colloquium and Green Action Week: interdisciplinary climate solutions at colleges
During Green Action Week, the VC Colloquium will feature small groups at fifteen colleges learning about the sustainability challenges and opportunities at that college.
This event is limited to students that have registered with the Vice-Chancellor’s Colloquium.
When: Wednesday 12 February, 5:00-7:00pm
Location: 15 colleges hosting the Vice-Chancellor’s Colloquium
Sustainability Education: Fairness and Flourishing talk
Prof Chukwumerije Okereke, University of Bristol and Dr Amanda Power, University of Oxford, will discuss how educators engage with questions of fairness and flourishing.
When: Wednesday, 12 February, 05:30-06:45pm, Green Templeton College
More information and registration
Is not knowing worse than not doing?
Join as Pembroke student Hanna Czaban shares the findings of a research project on meat consumption and emissions from Oxford colleges, discussing what can and needs to change.
When: Wednesday, 12 February, 06:00 - 07:00pm, Pembroke College, Allen & Overy Room
More information and registration.
Cycling event in Old Road Campus
Oxfordshire County Council invites you for an informal consultation about sustainable travel. Join the council officers in an event where you can discuss your experience cycling, walking or using public transport to commute, and express your views about what could be improved (and what’s working well, of course).
When: Wednesday, 12 February, 1:00-2:30pm
Where: Old Road Campus, Churchill Hospital, main entrance.
Or on Teams by using this link
No registration required.
The LEAF scheme - looking ahead - CANCELLED
Please note this event will no longer be taking place.
Share your feedback and insights about the LEAF programme and discuss how it can support your work going forward.
When: Wednesday 12 February, 12:00-1:00pm
Where: Department of Biology, ground floor seminar room, 11a Mansfield Road
The event is open to all lab practitioners, students and staff, whether you currently work in a LEAF lab or not.
More information and registration
Climate Café
A supportive space in which to talk about how the climate crisis is affecting us – without pressure to act.
When: Thursday, 13 February, 03:00-04:30pm
More information and registration
St Antony's green team coffee morning - gather and share tips for reducing food waste
When: Thursday, 13 February, 10.30am
No registration required.
Drop-in Sustainability Surgery with Trinity Sustainability Officer
Come and meet Trinity’s new Sustainability Officer Jilly, pop by to say hello, ask any questions, bring any ideas or share any concerns.
This session is for students and will include free cake.
When: Thursday, 13 February, 09:00–12:00pm, Levine Cafe, Trinity College
Test your recycling skills demo - How is it done?
When: Thursday, 13 February, 09:00 – 12:00pm Levine Cafe, Trinity College
More information and registration.
Build your carbon literacy with introduction to climate change, calculating a carbon footprint and actions we can all take
When: Thursday, 13 February 12:15 - 02:00pm
More information and registration
Sustainable Vegetarian Lunch and tour of our Biodiversity Garden at Rewley House
When: Thursday, 13 February, 12:30- 1:45pm
More information and registration: Full Buffet lunch for £4.50, payment on the day. To book, please email and let us know of any dietary requirements.
Understanding the impact of climate change on mental health & health systems - The Oxford Climate and Mental Health Forum 2025
When: Thursday 13 February, 9-4pm, Department of Psychiatry Seminar Room and online.
Oxford is producing some fascinating research on how our changing climate change affects our health, yet the strands of this exciting work have not yet been drawn together.
There is an urgent need to identify and tackle key impacts of climate change on health, particularly in mental health, and to address the impacts of climate change on the health of the most vulnerable in our society.
Please see the agenda for more information, which includes fantastic speakers from both Oxford and around the country.
Climate Fresk - Reuben College
Blue-tac, scribble and organise your way through the causes and consequences of climate change through the lens of the IPCC reports. This fun and interactive 3-hr workshop will spark meaningful discussion, creative insights, and help you connect with others in a journey to climate action!
When: 14 February, 10:00 – 1:00pm, Abbot’s Kitchen, Reuben college
Give your pot plants some love this Valentines
Bring your pot plants along to the gardeners on Friday who will show you how to care for your plant.
When: Friday, 14 February, 12:30 –3pm – Merton College
This event is open to Merton College students and staff.
From livelihoods to lifeways: Reflections on conservation justice from West Africa's Upper Guinean forests and beyond - Melissa Leach
When: Friday, 14 February 4:15 – 5:15pm
This event is online on zoom
More information and registration
Green Space volunteering with Oxford Preservation Trust
When: Friday 14th February, 10:00 til 13:00, Rewley Road Swing Bridge, 63 Rewley Road, Oxford, OX1 2RG
The Rewley Road Swing Bridge was lying unused and rusting for decades, OPT's award-winning conservation project saved it from the Heritage at Risk Register. This month, we will be clearing vegetation from the bank next to the bridge and making dead hedges.
More information.
Sustainable Food Week - Trinity College dining hall
Throughout the week the Trinity dining hall will be serving an exciting menu with a focus on sustainable food.
For students and staff of Trinity College.
Read more about sustainability at Trinity College, Oxford.
Sustainable Food – Beyond Ordinary Cafés across the University
Enjoy special sustainably procured items on the menu in any Beyond Ordinary Cafés across the University. Get a 50p discount when you bring-your-own cup for hot drinks or food container for meals.
List of Beyond Ordinary Cafés at Oxford.
Green Action Week Book Display at the Social Science Library
To celebrate Oxford University's Green Action Week the Bodleian Social Science Library will be putting together a display of books covering climate change and actions for a greener lifestyle. You will be able to find the display around the corner from the Issue Desk.
The display will be accessible during library opening hours from Thursday, 6 February.
Wycliffe Hall's Green Impact Action Week
Hosting a variety of events to help foster community engagement with environmental issues.
Open for students and staff of Wycliffe Hall and their families.
More information on the Wycliffe's comms channels
Houseplant Potting Session, Trinity College
When: Tuesday 18 February, 2:00pm. Trinity College greenhouse
More information and registration.
Green Action Week at the MRC WIMM
The MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine has lots going on for Green Action Week, including a Swap Shop, LEAF Lab Tours and a Charity Bake Sale.
History of Science Museum – Lightning talks on collections
Join staff and volunteers for a personal view of the collection and sustainability
When: Tuesday, 11th Feb - 1pm and 1.30pm; Wednesday, 12th Feb – 1pm, 1.30pm and 1.50pm; Friday, 14th Feb - 1pm, 1.30pm and 2pm
No registration required – report to the Entrance Gallery in the History of Science Museum.
From pool waste to pool party
The Iffley Road Sports Centre is offering recycling of damaged/ unwanted swimming equipment such as goggles, floaties and flip-flops.
Drop off at the centre and your waste is going to turn into lovely, branded flip flops which is then sold in the sports centre’s shop. Open to all.