We keep hearing about going vegan or vegetarian, about local and seasonal food, packaging, cash crops, and more... Too often, the data is confusing. The bottom line and inevitable truth is that if you want to reduce the carbon footprint of your food, you should focus on what you eat, not where it comes from. We're inviting you to join our sustainable food month activities, get ideas, be inspired and share your experience with us:
- If you are taking a pledge to change your food habits, whether it's Veganuary or another more sustainable diet – we'd love you to write a short blog post to let us know your experience! What inspired you? What was challenging? Any ideas or tips for others to follow suit? Email us to share your thoughts, and read one student's experience in our latest blog.
- We're running the Oxford Sustainable Recipe Contest (and Cookbook). Share your own recipe by 31 January 2021 for the chance to win one of two gift vouchers for an online cooking class. Read our example of a sustainable recipe for Orange Soup.
- If you are planning an upcoming team meeting, why not add a sustainable food twist to it? We've put together some ideas and resources that will help you host an online gathering that is both educational and fun.
- Get a taste of sustainable cooking with delicious options that will be ready right on time - join the Environmental Sustainability team and Nina Osswald for a hands-on sustainable cooking class. Nina will offer a few of her winning recipes, made with a variety of easily-found produces and tasty, beautiful and sustainable. It's free to join - register now.
- Read our January newsletter focusing on sustainable food and join our mailing list for a monthly update on various sustainability topics.
Scale demonstrating the carbon footprint of various foods.
Make sure you check back throughout the month for more surprises, and visit our Sustainable food page to find out more.