Sustainable Students Oxford – a call for student-led projects

Students are invited to apply with a project of their choice in the University, college or wider community, either as individuals or in groups. The initiative aims to equip students to implement their project ideas and experience leading environmental action within a practical setting.

The focus of this year’s projects is student-facing initiatives and supporting behaviour change. Additional attention will be given to:  

  • Cooperation with staff members and inter-college collaboration.
  • Projects with the potential to have long-term effects and/or repeat in future years.  

The support we offer may be:   

  1. Training for Environmental Project Management in the University.
  2.  Mentoring by a professional or academic staff member.
  3. A small budget (up to £100).  
  4. Guidance, networking and communication support.

Training opportunities for students

Environmental Project Lead

For student-led projects and Green Impact Project Assistants - learn and experience leading an environmental project in a University setting.  

The training will take place on Wednesday 16 November 1.30-3pm as a hybrid event. Find out more and register for Environmental Project lead training.

Student Switch Off Volunteer

Learn community leadership skills and gain experience taking part in a grassroots community-based campaign.  

The training will take place on Wednesday 16 November 12-1pm as a hybrid event. Find out more and register for Student Switch Off volunteer training.


You may choose any project you wish to promote. Here are some examples to inspire you:

  • Setting up a Green Impact team in collaboration with staff members.  
  • Setting up an edible, biodiversity garden or rewilding project. Initiating engagement activities if such a garden already exists.  
  • Food-related initiatives - e.g events, lectures, presentations, food labelling or food waste reduction.
  • Local energy-saving campaign.
  • Waste initiatives - e.g. a waste survey, local waste reduction and recycling campaign or swap parties.
  • Promoting sustainable consumption - e.g. promoting Fairtrade in your college, exchange events for pre-loved items, repair/refurbish workshops, setting collection of items for charities or consolidation mechanism for online shopping.
  • Art or creative workshops relating to environmental sustainability, for example by using surplus material.    

Please submit your project below by the end of the day on Wednesday 30 November.


The Environmental Sustainability team will choose up to 10 applications to support, then contact the project’s lead and discuss the support we can offer. We expect to have some of the initiatives set up to start by the end of the Michaelmas term, with more at the beginning of Hilary term. 

Please note that by participating in this scheme, participants permit the University of Oxford to showcase the project and any associated material (e.g. pictures, reports and plans) in various internal and external opportunities, and to implement the project ideas in other settings. We aim to give full credit wherever appropriate. 

For more information, please contact Vered Balan.

Project application

Please submit your project below by the end of the day on Wednesday 30 November.


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